
The best games in the world

Total participants: 141
  1. The Sims 4
  2. Doom I
  3. Hitman 3
  4. Minecraft
  5. GTA IV
  6. GTA III
  8. MAFIA I
  9. Teardown
  10. Max Payne 1
  11. GTA V
  12. GTA VI
  13. MAFIA II
  14. XCOM 2
  15. Max Payne 3
  16. Max Payne 2
  17. Valorant
  18. Valheim
  19. Yakuza 7
  20. Fortnite
  21. ArmA
  22. Hades
  23. Quake
  24. Prey
  25. Portal 2
  26. Unavowed
  27. Arma 3
  28. Rimworld
  29. Control
  30. Tekken 7
  31. Inside
  32. Thumper
  33. Dota 2
  34. Control
  35. Unreal
  36. VVVVVV
  37. F1 22


The best games in the world? Please vote and let us know which ones they are. We will thus have a picture of what games are liked all over the world. And maybe we'll all be surprised!


He who plays does not get angry. Scientists have also come up with the fact that playing games improves the brain and increases IQ. The penchant for passing the time by playing games is not, as everyone thinks, synonymous with the modern age of the 21st century. Even before computers, laptops and mobile phones, games were played. The first surviving board game dates back to 4,600 BC. The gaming industry has moved forward in leaps and bounds over the past 60 years and continues to accelerate and evolve. The gaming industry is the second most searched for on the Internet after erotica, and that's why we did a global poll to find out which game is the best. And it doesn't matter if it's a board game, a computer game, or even a word game that you play while walking. There can be absolutely any game here, even a children's "chasing game." When will someone add it.

You can vote every 24 hours, so the contest is also for stubborn and very competitive people and not only for the number of people, but also for the number of individual votes. After clicking on each one, you can add a comment or click the share button and invite your friends to vote for one of the games as well as you. If you don't find your game, or if you find that one is missing that should be here, there is a button at the very bottom to let us know and we will be happy to add it.

And the result? The whole world will learn which games are the best. It's not a poll, where even the results are determined by some clever expert, or the best-selling, but really the best games in the world. Anyone with internet access and a device that can catch the internet can vote.

Have a fun.